
Anniversary Pizza

17 Jun 2021 by Amby

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price-icon $14 city-icon Playa del Carmen country-icon Mexico location-icon Don Mario Restaurante Pizzeria

It was our three month anniversary so that could of course mean only one thing: pizza. Sev is a huge fan of pizza, and I'm a pretty big fan of pizza, so this, we decided, would be our monthly anniversary tradition. After much research and deliberation, Sev chose Don Mario Restaurante Pizzeria.

The place is cute. Indoor seating, but open-air so you can catch a good cross breeze if you sit by an open window. It's Italian-themed and had a pizza oven in the back. There were a reasonable number of people seated, and whenever I've passed since then it seems like a popular place to eat.

Sev got the pepperoni pizza. I got the Hwaiian, which is my go-to choice at all pizza restaurants. I know this can be a controversial choice, but like the sweet and salty combo of pineapple and ham. In this case, I wasn't wowed, I thought it was kind of dry and just didn't particularly enjoy it, although the service was excellent. Sev really enjoyed his choice, although tells me that "the spice was not perfect." I tried to get him to elucidate his thoughts regarding the pizza's flavor profile further but was not successful. He did give the pizza 3.5 stars though, which is the same as what I would give it.

While we would not necessarily recommend this place to our readers, it was a pleasant place to spend the evening, and, after three months, I couldn't have asked for better company.

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