
Old Time Tavern in Historic Alexandria

4 Dec 2021 by Amby

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price-icon $15 city-icon Alexandria, Virginia country-icon United States location-icon Gadsby's taver

Sev and I spent the day exploring Old Town Alexandria, a historic downtown and shopping district in northern Virginia, right on the D.C. metro line. Alexandria has fantastic 19th and 18th-century American architecture and is on the water for nice views of boats and waterfowl. Since we were in the historic city, I had to take Sev for some historic dining — Gadsby's tavern was built in 1785. George Washington gave a speech on the doorstep, and it still aims for an 18th vibe.

Gadsby's taver Gadsby's taver

Dim lighting and dark walls with cheerful Christmas decorations gave the Tavern a cozy interior. There's a bar in the main dining area and the waiters were dressed in 18th-century garb. I also loved the table settings, which included a free basket of little muffins and rolls.

Roast Beef and Brie Sandwich Roast Beef and Brie Sandwich

Sev and I watch a fair share of Townsends on Youtube, so perhaps we were expecting more of an authentic menu than we got. I'm not sure how 'true-to-the-1700s' my Roast Beef and Brie Sandwich was, but I did like it. Sev got the William Caton burger and enjoyed it, he even said "the fries even bit back a little bit."

William Caton burger William Caton burger

Another thing I enjoyed about the tavern was the prices. I was expecting entrees to be in the high teens or low twenties, but my food was only $12 and Sev's was $11. Amazing.

If you're looking for the classic history experience in Old Town Alexandria and don't want to break the bank, Gadsby's Tavern is a must.

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