
Snacking at the Zoo

27 Jul 2021 by Amby

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price-icon $8 city-icon Washington, D.C. country-icon United States location-icon Smithsonian National Zoo

The National Zoo is one of the few Smithsonians where you can generally get timed ticket entry same day. In pre-pandemic days you never needed a ticket, but now you do. Luckily they're still free, and the timed entry is from 8:30-2:30 so you can show up late and still see everything.

We walked all the way from Logan Circle to the Zoo. It's quite a nice walk and only took about 40 minutes. I personally love walking in D.C. as there are so many pretty buildings to look at. Plus it's not usually a very crowded city, even on the weekends, so it can seem like you have a lot of space.

We entered the zoo at the south end, closest to the petting zoo. We had to get our tickets checked and the people checking them weren't exactly the happiest and most helpful employees I've ever encountered, but we made it through with only a little bit of awkwardness. We toured most of the zoo although some of the inside exhibits, like the Amazon, were closed. Luckily Sev had spent three weeks in Brazil a few years ago so he did not miss anything important there.

Seal photobombing another seal Seal photobombing another seal

We hit the major exhibits like the seals and the pandas. Pandas are such amazingly large and lazy creatures. Even the panda cub was kind of just hunched over lying around over half-eaten bamboo. Truly a wonder of evolution.

Around the panda exhibit a sign caught Sev's eye: Carvel's: America's Freshest Ice Cream. What could it mean? What could it taste like? We had to know. We waited patiently in line and Sev paid the $8 regular sized-cup cost. We got two spoons.

The ice cream was actually pretty good. I was low-key expecting something freezer burned and stale but no, it was great. Like if you need an ice cream break in the zoo, this is the best option.

We headed out the north exit. It was pretty hot, we got there around 12 and stayed until 2. Luckily there were some mist showers that helped cool us down. But it was a little bit much. In general, I don't recommend going to the zoo during this time because most of the cooler animals are asleep. But for us, it was a perfectly nice day. I give it five snacks.

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