
Steak and Buns

27 May 2021 by Amby

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price-icon $15 city-icon Villa de Leyva country-icon Colombia location-icon Casa San Pedro Campestre

Sev and I went to Casa San Pedro Campestre, a petting zoo/restaurant about a mile walk from Villa de Leyva city center. I wasn’t expecting much in terms of food since I thought the petting zoo part was the main feature of the place, rather than the food, but ended up very impressed with the meal as well.

Bun City Bun City

Before eating Sev and I walked around the petting zoo, which had a variety of small fluffy animals that seemed happy and well taken care of. In the center of the petting zoo was a large pen with about fifteen rabbits and three guinea pigs, which we called “Bun City.” Sev had a rabbit growing up and I had a guinea pig, so this was especially delightful. The petting zoo was very small though, and you couldn’t really pet any of the animals, but they were nice to look at.

After we were done showering animals with our affection we went to the restaurant area, which was mostly outdoors. I ordered the Lomo San Pedro medium-rare and Sev had the Newyork. I’ve had a lot of great steaks on this trip and this one definitely ranks among the best. Everything about it was perfect. Plus there was a friendly, fat yellow lab that came around to make sure we were enjoying ourselves, which was really cute.

Maybe it was a bit early for other diners since we got there around 5pm and Colombians seem to eat later in the evening, but we were the only ones there, and it is a very large dining space. The decorations were an eclectic assortment of instagram-worthy items and furniture, and the music was American soft pop at an inoffensive volume.

I’m not sure if the food or the petting zoo is worth the trek to the place when there are so many other great places for steak in the town center. If you have kids, however, maybe it would be more worthwhile, as besides the petting zoo there’s also a small amusement park next door. But I can’t fault the restaurant for its food or ambiance, so I’m giving it five easy snacks.

Lomo San Pedro Lomo San Pedro

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