
Time for Tacos and Other Healthy Snacks!

19 Dec 2023 by Amby

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price-icon $35 city-icon Venice, Florida country-icon United States location-icon Cafe Evergreen

My mom and I were keen to check out some new restaurants while we were in Venice, and I found Cafe Evergreen particularly intriguing. We ended up eating here twice and sampled a variety of items from the menu. I can say with confidence this is a great place to eat in Venice.

We approach Cafe Evergreen. We approach Cafe Evergreen.

Round One: Tacos

The first time we ate here for lunch it was very busy and there was no room to sit inside, so we ate in the outdoor area. The weather was cool but tolerable, and the restaurant provided blankets upon request.

We both got the mahi mahi tacos, which were $17 each. The tacos had grilled fish, onions, cilantro, and a nice spicy sauce. We both really liked them!

Yum. Yum.

The tacos came with sides for free and I picked the mac and cheese while my mom picked the quinoa rice pilaf, basically a quinoa salad. Both of these tasted very good.

I also got a golden chai latte ($7) and my mom got a glass of merlot ($9). The latte was perfect and warmed me up while we sat outside.

With a 20% tip this whole meal cost $63. I have to say, when you also consider the 20% tip and the local sales tax (whatever that may be), the differences between Swiss and U.S. eating-out prices get smaller and smaller every time I go back to the States.

Round Two: Sandwiches and Salad

A week or so later my mom really wanted a salad so I thought we’d go back to Cafe Evergreen, since it seemed like the kind of place that would try to have a good salad. We were again not disappointed!

I saw on their menu that their Evergreen Club ($16) won an award for best vegetarian sandwich so I ordered that. I’m definitely not a vegetarian but I always liked trying different kinds of veggie burgers when they seem interesting.

This one had grilled cheesy quinoa as the meat substitute, which I’ve never seen done before. It was amazing, I can see why it won an award! I definitely want to try cheese quinoa patties at home now. I also got a free side and chose mac n cheese again because I liked it so much the first time.

My mom got the beet salad ($11) which featured arugula, pickled beets, almonds, and goat cheese. I took half of her salad and she took half of my sandwich. Everything was fresh and tasty.

Fresh! Fresh!

Cafe Evergreen has a huge healthy drink selection, including kombucha, smoothies, probiotic drinks and more. I got the “Mango Marathon” ($10) which included coconut, vanilla lacuma (a kind of protein) and almond milk. It was a pretty large glass which I barely managed to finish.

How do I choose? How do I choose?


Cafe Evergreen is on the pricier side but they do seem to put an effort into creating a healthy menu with high quality ingredients. Plus you often get free sides and end up feeling full at the end. The waiters are friendly and attentive and knowledgable about the different, more unusual ingredients used in creating dishes.

Over I think it’s worth it for the occasional lunch or dinner in town, plus maybe you’ll leave inspired to experiment with your own healthy cooking at home!

The Mango Marathon The Mango Marathon

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