
Train Station Sandwich

19 Aug 2021 by Amby

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price-icon $7.5 city-icon Lenzburg country-icon Switzerland location-icon Brezelkönig

After visiting Schloss Lenzburg, Sev and I needed to snack. But we weren’t in the mood to spend a lot of money at a normal restaurant in town so we opted for something to-go at the train station. Brezelkönig had a lot of sandwich and pretzel options that fit our price point and satiated our hunger.

First of all, I was really impressed with Brezelkönig because even though it was in a train station the food looked and tasted really fresh.

A Salami Sandwich A Salami Sandwich

I got the salami sandwich and Sev got the salami pretzel. I thought the pretzel was a bit too salty but Sev really liked it. For my part, I thought the sandwich was great, the bread was not at all stale, and the cheese, salami, and tomatoes were unobjectionable.

At about $7.50 it was a little bit expensive for what I was getting, but I am finding out that that’s just how it goes in Switzerland, wherever you eat out.

A Salami Pretzel A Salami Pretzel

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