
You Have to Pay Cash Here

30 May 2021 by Amby

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price-icon $3 city-icon Bogotá country-icon Colombia location-icon Momentos de Cafe

While walking around the La Candelaria neighborhood we passed a lot of quirky, interesting cafes. It was a cloudy day and we didn't really have a destination in mind so we popped in one for some caffeine. I'm not 100% sure this is the one we went to as I didn't write it down but I think it was this one. Anyway the coffee was great but the experience was not quite what we expected.

Where the heck is Sev Where the heck is Sev

I was intrigued by a cacao drink advertised on an outside sign but was disappointed when they didn't actually have it. Whatever. The barista recommended a tea instead, which I went for. Sev got his classic cappuccino. Before we dug in we realized we had a problem. This place was cash only.

We had no cash. 

I didn't have my debit card on me for ATM withdrawal, so Sev, greatest babe in the history of babes, headed out in search of an ATM. With a phone that had no data, so no reliable way to search for one online. 

He was gone for about 20 minutes. While he was gone I drank his entire coffee and thought about when would be a good time to call the police and if Sev had gotten lost or murdered or anything.

Honestly I wasn't wow'd be the tea, but the coffee was pretty good! Sev came back, to my immense relief, and we paid the bill. Sev ordered another coffee because I drank his and I was happy to stare at my newly returned babe. 

The ambiance of the cafe is like classic rock/Beatles themed and had some used books to buy on a variety of different subjects and in a range of languages. It was alright, but if you go, bring cash!

Some of the used books for sale Some of the used books for sale

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